Greetings! I’m B.P. McGregor–author of the book Men, Monkeys, and Management (MMM). Welcome to my blog. I hope you find it useful and fun.
I’ve spent a great deal of time–and effort, over the years training monkeys…er men in the workplace. I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Because of this I consider myself an expert recognizing excellence–and calling men on their sh$t. Think of me as a jungle version of the Dog Whisperer.
Just as importantly–I’ve also developed highly unique insights towards organizing people, offices, and information. Invaluable tools and tricks of the trade aiding employees and bosses to elevate their performance magnitudes.
May your journey of discovery be uplifting and empowering!
B.P. lives in the Appalachian Mountains. He enjoys collecting exotic berries, climbing trees, and spending afternoons grooming.