Meet the Monkeys

BP examines over 50 personality types in the book. Meet some of them here!

Gun Slinger Gus

Gus is a tough guy and wants everyone to know it. If you look at him crossways, he’ll gun you down, leaving him the last man standing, at least that’s what he likes to believe…

Paul the Politician

Paul is a skilled manager with a talent for saying the right thing at the right time. However, like a politician, he often avoids tough decisions and carefully sidesteps statements that could be used against him later.

Manage it Mel

Mel manages things in one way – by telling others to manage it! If you are having a disagreement, he’ll ask you to manage it. If negotiations have become tough, he’ll tell you to manage it! Etc. Etc.

Cookbook Cooksey

Cooksey relies on set procedures to get him through life and work. A fear of ruining the recipe leads him to stay in safe, “by the book” paradigms in his interactions with others.

Ian the Intimidator

Ian’s the worse type of manager imaginable! He clawed his way to the top being pushy, provocative, and intimidating others! Even worse, when he go to the to, he used his highly refined skill to intimidate even more!

Pick up the Book!

Pick up the book here to meet the rest of the monkeys!