About MMM

Let’s face it—we’re monkeys at heart. We come from a long line of brutes whom spent eons struggling for space, power, and resources. Monkey mindedness is ingrained in our DNA and seeps deeply into how we behave in the modern urban jungle—especially the work place! Thus men kick, holler, and fight to get ahead of and beat one another.

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But what a minute! We have evolved! Or have we? We should be able to operate from higher centers of reason to overcome our lower impulses! But can we?

In the struggle of man over monkey, reason over emotion, and sensibility over outrageous behavior; who will prevail?

Men, Monkeys, and Management (or MMM) provides the perfect tongue-in-cheek, Dilbert meets National Geographic format for readers to navigate and succeed in the workplace.

Packed with insightful wisdoms and advice on dealing with difficult personalities MMM provides just the right dose of instruction and humor to elevate your work experience to the enchanted.

In MMM author BP McGregor breaks fresh new ground in understanding how and why we act the way we do, but also great insight and practical advice for readers to navigate the modern urban jungle!

Readers will find;

  • What motivates bosses and employees
  • How to recognize and deal with difficult personality types
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of monkey behavior and instead be good bosses and better employees
  • A host of management tools to build effectiveness
  • How to create a professional and efficient—yet fun work place

Profound, insightful, and practical–MMM speaks directly to today’s workforce and provides them a path to better cope with their jobs and be more effective.

Please check out my YouTube channel at this link!